Attracting and retaining talent is no longer a given, it’s costly and challenging.

We’re living in a unique time to source and keep talented employees — thanks to the pandemic, we know all too well that priorities have shifted across the board.

Talent at mindslines
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And when you don’t have the right talent?

Simply put, you don’t achieve the right results. (And if you do have the right talent, you have to ensure they have *very* good reasons to stick around.)

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Whether your team is currently struggling with:

We can help them find solutions that actually last.

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At Mindslines, we prioritize three key things with every team we collaborate with:

In our experience, there’s often something deeper that triggers a domino effect of challenges. We’ll pinpoint the issue with clarity, with the data to back it up.

With experts in both fields on our team, our goal is to create understanding around how the brain works at work, and show your team how to leverage that to have a higher probability of impact.

Beyond teaching key concepts, we create an environment where your team can practice handling their current challenges, repeat patterns and create new habits. Why? Because new habits lead to new behaviors — and better results. Instead of role playing, our customized approach puts their learning to work right away.

We bring all these pieces together through leveraging our signature, in-house methodologies:


(Discover. Apply. Reflect. Transform.) This method was our method to design a personalized solution where your current reality, challenges and required outcomes are revealed and utilized to build a program around it that focuses on human development and their potential to achieve the best results.

The Cycle of Consciousness

A methodology created by our human sciences expert to develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence and equip your emergent talent with a repeatable and actionable process that facilitates their growth, create new habits and learn about themselves in the process.

Through a blended approach of live sessions, personalized asynchronous learning in our platform & data analytics, our solutions are customized to meet your team where they are at and move them forward exponentially.

”I am very happy with the results we got… You can tell something has changed, and the client feels it too. It shows in the results!”

— SVP Americas, NY, USA

The science has shown us that in order to get better results, humans need to shift their core habits.

That extends into their workplace, and our approach supports them in:

Give us 90 days, and we’ll help put this habit shift in motion

Over 7-10 weeks, we spend time with your team each week that’s hands-on, practical and productive.

That means they don’t just learn key concepts and receive homework, they put new insights to work instantly *and* start understanding themselves better, too.

From the very first session, our goal is to help your team start reaping ROI as soon as we hit the ground running — and strengthen their results week after week.

”I loved the approach, so unexpected and yet so relevant. Loved the surprise and effectiveness of the content on myself and the team. Everyone was very engaged.”

— Dir. Mexico & CA, GDL, MEX

We’ve seen our clients achieve results like:

They improve both clients and employees’ relationships quickly and effectively

When leaders understand *exactly* what their teams need in order to feel valued, they inevitably set everyone up for greater success.

When employees understand themselves better, they naturally improve their relationships and communication across the board. A cohesive team is a high-performing team! 


Will your team be celebrating these results next?

Within a matter of months, they can!

We believe that if it’s possible to get better results, you should.

And when you change the person, you shift the entire environment — leading to improved performance, motivation and retention.

There’s a reason that we draw on neuroscience and psychology while *still* employing empathy and a human-first approach: it works.

Reach out to find out how we can support your team on the path to lasting transformation.

Impact. Transformation. Consciousness.

The proof is in the results.

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