Our body gives us information. It transmits millions of sensations throughout the day that can be either heard and recognized or otherwise can go unnoticed. Our body and mind are interconnected and are not strange to each other.
All those sensations, stimuli, or thoughts that our brain processes and interprets that they worry, angers, frustrates, blocks or simply drive us mad, generate muscular tension in our body. That muscular tension generated by the different emotions, needs in some way to be discharged from our body. The release of body tension produces relaxation and a sense of calm. Using adaptive forms of discharge is vital for the human being. Knowing our “machine” and how it works gives us the opportunity to resolve tension in a healthy way.
Stress is an overload of body and mental tension. We need to be aware of this. The perception of stress in our body tells us that we are exceeding the healthy limits of our capabilities and our body. When this happens, our body begins to function in a state of demand that causes it to suffer, either through illness, paralysis or presenting some type of imbalance or showing poor performance.
Becoming aware of this state opens the doors to the possibility of regulating ourselves and getting started to reduce the tension in our body. There are numerous healthy stress regulation pathways that lower our tension. Sport, contact with nature, the expression of emotions, the physical contact of a hug, rest, a good physiotherapy session or even an orgasm. On the other hand, there are also dysfunctional behaviors to release stress, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, compulsive eating or any type of addiction that ultimately seeks to discharge tension and recover an internal state of calm and relaxation.
We live in an increasingly stressful world filled with millions of opportunities that demand more and more of us. Setting limits, discriminating the essentials, stopping, breathing and relaxing our body is essential to continue addressing our extraordinary day to day.
Connect, experience, transform.
Noelia Valladolid Baringo (Coconut).
Psychologist. Mindlines.